5 Things to Know Before Your Dental Implant Surgery?

Losing a tooth not only affects your beautiful smile but also impacts your overall quality of life. Dental implants emerge as the superior option for tooth replacement, promising permanent restoration with stability comparable to natural teeth. However, opting for Dental Implants Surgery is a significant decision that requires thorough understanding. 

Here are 5 Key Aspects You Should be Aware of Before Undergoing Dental Implant Surgery

1. They are Natural-Looking and Functional

One important fact about dental implants is that they function and appear like natural teeth. Just as natural teeth are stable due to their roots in the jawbone, dental implants have titanium roots that integrate with the jawbone over time. This fusion provides a strong foundation for replacement teeth such as crowns, bridges, hybrid dentures, or overdentures, ensuring both functionality and a natural aesthetic.

2. The procedure will not cause discomfort

Dental Implants Surgery would be extremely uncomfortable without anesthesia. However, with the use of local anesthesia, you won’t experience any pain during the procedure. Your dentist utilizes surgical guides to ensure the precise placement of dental implants, guaranteeing a pain-free and accurate process.

3. Plan for a timeframe of approximately one year for the planning, placement, and healing phases

The process of getting dental implants takes around a year to complete. It begins with consultations and exams to assess your dental health. Once a date is set, the implant placement procedure is carried out, followed by a healing period during which temporary teeth are worn. After several months, the permanent replacement teeth are placed, completing the process. This timeline allows for thorough planning and ensures successful outcomes for patients.

4. Similar to real teeth, you need to protect them from gum disease

Just like natural teeth, dental implants require protection against gum disease. Although implants are resistant to gum disease, they are not immune to bacterial buildup. Neglecting routine dental care or irregular cleaning can lead to gum disease and potential complications for your new teeth. Taking care of your implants is straightforward and similar to caring for natural teeth:

  • Brush your teeth twice daily.
  • Floss after brushing to clean between teeth and around implants.
  • Use a water flosser to clean hard-to-reach areas under replacement teeth.
  • Rinse your mouth using an antibacterial mouthwash for added protection.

5. They have the potential to last you a lifetime

With proper care and the expertise of an experienced prosthodontist, your dental implants have the potential to last a lifetime.

What's Involved in Dental Implant Surgery?

Dental implant surgery encompasses several essential steps to restore missing teeth effectively.

  • Initial Consultations: 

Your dentist will evaluate your oral health and decide if you’re a good candidate for dental implants.

  • Implant Surgery: 

The implants, which act like a person’s natural tooth roots, are surgically placed into your jawbone.

  • Healing Time: 

A period is given for the implants to fuse with your jawbone, providing stability.

  • Customized Restorations: 

Once the implants are secure, custom replacement teeth like crowns or dentures are attached.

  • Comprehensive Care: 

This process ensures not just a natural appearance but also long-lasting functionality and improved oral health.

This comprehensive approach ensures not only a strong and stable foundation for the replacement teeth but also natural aesthetics and long-term functionality, enhancing overall oral health and quality of life.


Understanding key aspects before undergoing “Dental Implants Surgery” is crucial for a successful outcome. From knowing the procedure’s pain management to understanding the longevity of implants, being informed empowers patients throughout their dental journey.

Ready to take the next step? Book your appointment with City of Lights Dental in Aurora, IL, today! New patients can schedule online, while existing patients and inquiries can call us at (630) 892-7087.


Factors like overall health, bone density, and gum health are assessed to determine candidacy for dental implants.

Healing can vary, but it can take a few months for the implant to fuse with the jawbone before the final restoration.

While rare, risks include infection, implant failure, and nerve damage; however, skilled professionals minimize these risks through careful planning and execution.

While smoking and certain medical conditions can impact healing, dental implants may still be an option after consultation with your dentist and physician.

Dental implants offer advantages such as long-term stability, natural appearance, and preservation of jawbone structure, making them a good choice among patients seeking permanent tooth replacement solutions.

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