Dental Veneers In Aurora, IL

Dental Veneers

Your smile is one of the first things people see when they meet you- and you only have one chance to make a good first impression. If your teeth are damaged or if you don’t smile, people may get the wrong impression of you.

Cosmetic dental treatments at City of Lights Dental in Aurora, IL can resolve these concerns. One of the most popular and least invasive treatments is dental veneers, which are thin tooth-colored shells placed on the teeth to resolve aesthetic concerns.

Here is what you need to know about dental veneers.

Why Choose City of Lights Dental For Dental Veneers?

The team at City of Lights Dental understands that your smile is one of the first things people notice when they meet you for the first time. If you are not smiling because you are embarrassed about the appearance of your teeth, cosmetic dental treatments such as dental veneers can help.

Both Dr. Julie Lies-Keilty and Dr. Marvin Amayun strive to provide top-quality patient care and create an environment that is comfortable and relaxing. We want to help you create a smile that you can be proud of.

What are Dental Veneers?

Dental veneers are thin tooth-colored shells that are placed on teeth to resolve aesthetic concerns including:

  • Size
  • Shape
  • Color
  • Cracks/chips
  • Small gaps

Veneers are typically placed on the upper 6 to 8 front teeth that are most visible when smiling.

Type of Dental Veneers

There are two primary types of traditional dental veneers: porcelain and composite resin.

Composite resin veneers can be direct or indirect. Direct veneers involve directly applying the resin to the affected teeth in layers. Indirect veneers are thin shells that are fabricated in a dental lab. Porcelain veneers are thin shells that are fabricated in a dental lab.

Composite resin veneers last about 5 to 7 years and may last up to 10 years with proper care and maintenance. While they don’t last as long as porcelain veneers, they are stronger and less likely to be damaged. However, if they are damaged, they can be repaired.

Porcelain veneers last an average of 10 to 15 years and may last up to 20 years with proper care and maintenance. While they do last longer, they are more likely to be damaged. If this happens, they must be replaced.

Who is the Right Candidate for Dental Veneers?

Candidacy for dental veneers, like other treatments, is determined on a case-by-case basis. However, certain criteria must be met to qualify:

  • Healthy teeth/gums
  • Good oral hygiene habits
  • Have minor imperfections, such as cracks/chips, small gaps, etc.
  • Have some discoloration
  • Want a quick fix that can resolve several issues at once

Benefits of Dental Veneers

There are several benefits of dental veneers including:

  • Natural appearance
  • Stain resistant
  • Resolves several cosmetic concerns at one time
  • Long-lasting (up to 20 years for porcelain)
  • Minimally invasive option for resolving cosmetic concerns

How Much Does Dental Veneers Cost In Aurora, IL?

The average cost of dental veneers ranges from around $800 to $2,500. Composite veneers are on the lower end of the cost spectrum, with chairside veneers being less expensive than lab-fabricated veneers. Porcelain veneers are on the more expensive end of the spectrum, but typically last longer than composite resin.

Unfortunately, since dental veneers are a cosmetic procedure, most dental insurance providers will not cover any portion of treatment. However, if you have concerns about the cost, our office staff will be glad to explain our financing options. This will allow you to break the fee up into smaller, easy-to-manage payments that fit within your budget.

Dental Veneers Process

The process of getting dental veneers usually takes at least 2 visits within about 6 weeks.

During the first visit, the dentist will perform a comprehensive exam including imaging to determine your candidacy for veneers. If appropriate, treatment will move forward.

  • The first step will be to select the appropriate shade for your veneers. The shade will be chosen based on your desired color. Since veneers cannot be whitened, you may wish to have your teeth whitened first before moving forward with veneers.
  • The next step will be to remove some of the enamel from the affected teeth. This will create space for the dental veneer to sit flush with the surrounding teeth for the most natural look and feel. Before they begin to scrape the teeth, local anesthesia will be administered to help you relax. If needed, sedation can be offered.
  • If you are getting direct composite veneers, the next step would be to apply the composite resin in layers. Once the appropriate amount has been added, you will sit under a UV lamp to harden the substance. Then, the dentist will make adjustments as needed to create an aesthetically pleasing smile.
  • If your veneers will be fabricated in an outside lab, the dentist will create a mold of the affected teeth to send to the lab. Since this usually takes a few weeks, the dentist may apply temporary veneers to your teeth to protect them while you wait.

Once the veneers are ready, the dentist will remove the temporary veneers and thoroughly clean the teeth. Then, they will check the fit of the permanent veneers. If necessary, a few adjustments may be made in the office. Finally, the veneers will be permanently cemented in place.

Aftercare and Maintenance

You will want to avoid eating or drinking until the anesthesia wears off. After that, there are no special care considerations for dental veneers. Simply brush and floss as you would your natural teeth. Visit the dentist every 6 months for an exam and dental cleaning. If your veneer is damaged in any way, schedule a visit as soon as possible to have it examined and determine if it can be repaired or if you need a replacement.

Schedule Your Cosmetic Dental Consultation with City of Lights Dental in Aurora, IL Today

If you are concerned with the appearance of your teeth, schedule a cosmetic dental consultation with the team at City of Lights Dental today. We will start with a comprehensive exam and a discussion of your concerns. You may qualify for dental veneers.

FAQs on Dental Veneers

If you have questions or concerns about dental veneers or other cosmetic treatment options at City of Lights Dental, our staff will be happy to help. We believe that patients deserve to be fully informed about their procedures.

The cost of dental veneers depends on several factors, primarily the type of veneer you choose. The average cost of composite resin veneers ranges from around $800 to $1,100 per tooth, while the average cost of porcelain veneers is slightly higher, at around $900 to $2,500 per tooth. Since this is a cosmetic procedure, most dental insurance plans will not cover any portion of treatment. However, if needed, our office staff can explain financing options.

Dental veneers are an irreversible treatment- but they are not permanent. Over time, the veneers will wear out and will need to be replaced. However, they can never be removed, due to the removal of the enamel to create space for them to fit on the teeth.

Dental veneers do not require any special care considerations. Simply brush and floss as you typically would. However, you may want to switch to a water flosser, as the water can get deeper into the gum pockets and is gentler on the teeth than regular dental floss.

Since dental veneers are placed individually and can be blended to match your natural teeth, this is a personal decision. Some patients choose to only get one, while others choose to get more. Most people get the upper 6 to 8 front teeth that are most visible when smiling.

Dental veneer teeth covers are not recommended for patients who have bruxism, severe tooth decay, gum disease, tooth misalignment, weakened enamel, or other functional issues.

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